Structural details of the lungs

Surface markings

The apex:

  • Sternoclavicular joint

  • 2.5cm superior to the middle third of the clavicle

  • Junction of the middle and medial thirds of the clavicle.

The anterior border; varies between left and right.

Right side

  • Between the levels of the 2 nd and 4 th cartilages anterior margin is near the midline.

  • Inferior to the 4 th costal cartilage, the surface of the right lung gradually diverges from the midline, and leaves the sternum posterior to the 6 th costal cartilage.

Left side

  • Close to the midline fill the level of the 4 th costal cartilage the lung deviates laterally to a pint about 2.5cm lateral to the left border of the sternum to form the cardiac notch.
  • It then turns inferiorly and slightly medially to the 6 th cartilage.

The inferior border

  • Indicated by a line drawn from the inferior end of the line representing the anterior border that crosses :

    - the 6 th rib in the midclavicular line;
    - the 8 th rib in the mid-axillary line,
    - the 10 th rib in the midscapular line, and ends about 2.5cm lateral to the spinous process of the 10 th thoracic vertebra.


  • The projection of the oblique fissure is the same for each lung, and is indicated on the surface of the thorax by a line from the spinous process of T2 around the thorax to the 6 th costochondral junction.
  • The horizontal fissure (on the right lung) is indicated by a line on the surface of the thorax that runs from the anterior border of the lung along the fourth cartilage to the oblique fissure.

Chapter 28: The Chest Wall and Pleura