• A large serous membrane that lines the interior of the abdominopelvic walls and the viscera

  • Consists of: a single layer of flat mesothelial cells, supported by an underlying layer of loose connective tissue.

  • A thin layer of fluid covers the peritoneal surfaces. It is derived from interstitial fluid and from adjacent capillaries.
  • Peritoneum comprises two layers:

    (+) Parietal lines the body walls

    (+) Visceral covers the body organs

peritoneal folds  
  • Peritoneal folds are  reflections of the peritoneum between the  body wall and viscera and between the viscera themselves.

  • Some  types of folds:

    (+) 'Ligaments'
    (+)  Mesenteries
    (+) Omenta

  • A mesentery is a double-layered fold of peritoneum that suspends viscera from the parietes.

  • One thick fold of peritoneum hangs from the stomach over the viscera of the mid-abdomen, and is called the greater omentum (Latin for cover or apron).

  • The lesser omentum is a double layer of peritoneum that runs between the stomach and liver

The Peritoneum
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