The uterus |
Parts |
Hover to show names
- Expanded superior 2/3rd
- Fundus- rounded superior part
- Cornu- part of the body where the uterine tubes insert
- A narrow cone
- Transition between the body and the cervix
- Most obvious in nulliparous women
- Cylindrical inferior 1/3rd of the uterus
- Supravaginal part
- Infra vaginal part
- Internal/ external os
Position |
Anteflexed: Uterus is bent anteriorly over the bladder between the cervix and the body
Anteverted: The entire uterus is bend anteriorly with respect to the vagina
Sometime especially in older women, the uterus may be bent posterioly (retroversion)
Note: When the urinary bladder fills, the uterus is straightened into line with the vagina. |
Peritoneal relations |
- Peritonioum covers , posterior, superior and anterior surfaces of the uterus, except vaginal part of cervix
- Peritoneum is reflected anteriorly onto the bladder and posteriorly onto the rectum
- A double layered peritoneal sheet - the broadligament- extend from the sides of the uterus to the lateral walls, and the floor of the pelvis.
Relations |
- Separated from urinary bladder by the vesico uterine pouch
- This pouch is normally empty when the uterus is in the normal position.
- When the uterus is retroverted the pouch contains a loop of intestine.
- A layer of peritoneum and the peritoneal cavity separate the posterior part from sigmoid colon.
- The recto uterine pouch separates the uterus from the rectum.
- The coils of small intestine
- The broad ligaments and their contents
Uterine support |
- The principal supports of the uterus are the pelvic floor and the pelvic viscera surrounding the uterus and its continuity with the vagina
- The broad ligaments hold the uterus in its relatively normal position.
- The body of the uterus is freely mobile. The cervix is not very mobile because it is held in position by several ligaments (Thickenings of the endopelvic fascia).
Transverse cervical (Cardinal) ligaments
Utero sacral ligaments (recto uterine),
(+) Pubocervical
Blood supply |
- Uterine arteries from the internal iliac
- Ovarian arteries from the aorta
- These two anastomose
- The uterine veins form a uterine venous plexus on each side of the cervix. Their tributaries drain into the internal iliac veins.
- This plexus is connected with the superior rectal veins forming a porto systemic anastomsis
Lymphatics |
- Aortic (lumbar) nodes.
- Superficial inguinal nodes.
- Body- para uterine lymph nodes thence to the external iliac nodes
- cervix – internal iliac and sacral lymph nodes.
Innervation |
- Autonomic from the inferior hypogastric plexus largely from the uterovaginal plexus in the broad ligament.
- Most of the efferent fibres ascend through the hypogastric plexus and the spinal cord via T10- L1 spinal nerves