Male external genitalia |
Scrotum |
- A cutaneous outpouching of the skin of the abdomen
- contains the testis
The skin
- Thin, dark colored, and rugose
- The scrotal raphe indicates the bilateral origin of the scrotum (from the labioscrotal swellings)
Superficial fascia
- Devoid of fat
- Contains smooth muscle called dartos muscle, which helps regulate temperature
- It is
continuous anteriorly with the membranous layer of superficial fascia of the anterior abdominal wall
Coverings of the testis |
Coverings of the testis are continuous with the coverings of the spermatic cord
- The external spermatic fascia – external oblique aponeurosis
- Cremaster muscle and cremasteric fascia – internal oblique aponeurosis
- Internal spermatic fascia – transversalis fascia
- Tunica vaginalis – peritoneum (processus vaginalis), visceral and parietal.
Blood supply of the scrotum: |
- Scrotal branch of the internal pudendal artery
- External pudendal branches of the femoral artery
- Cremasteric branch of the inferior epigastric artery
Nerve supply of the scrotum |
- Genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve; sensory to the anterior and lateral surfaces of the scrotum.
- Ilioinguinal nerve; sensory to the anterior surface
- Perineal branch of the pudendal nerve – posterior surface
- Perineal branch of the posterior femoral cutaneous – inferior surface
Lymphatics of the scrotum |
- Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
- Deep external iliac or the lumbar nodes