Mons pubis |
Labia Majora |
Labia minora |
- Rounded median elevation infront of pubic symphysis.
- Accumulation of fat
- Coarse hair covers the skin over it after puberty.
- Two elongated folds which run downward and backward from the mons pubis
- Eclose between them the median pudendal cleft
- Outer aspects covered by skin with many sebaceous glands
- Coarse hair covers the skin after puberty.
- The inner aspects are smooth and hairless
- Subcutaneous tissue consists mostly of fat.
- It is continous behind with the subcutaneous tissue of the urogenital region and in front with that of the mons pubis.
- They contain:
a) Terminations of the round ligaments,
b) Some bundles of smooth muscle fibres
c) Nerves
d) Blood and lymphatic vessels.
Homologous with the scrotum of the male.
- Two small folds of skin between the labia majora at either side of the opening of the vagina.
- Join the medial aspects of the labia majora
- In the virgin they are connected with each other by a transverse fold called the frenulum of the labia or fourchette.
- They are devoid of fat
- Skin covering them is smooth, moist and pink.
- Are hidden by labia majora except in children and in women in menopause.
Vestibule |
External urethral orifice |
- Cleft between the labia minora
- Contain openings of :
- Vagina
- Urethra
- Ducts of greater vestibular glands
- Situated behind the clitoris immediately infront of the vaginal orifice.
- Usually a median cleft, the margins slightly averted.
- Larger than the urethral orifice.
- Size and appearance depend on the size of the hymen.
- The two ducts of the greater vestibular glands open on each side of the vaginal orifice between it and the labia minora.
- Smaller openings for the lesser vestibular glands are in the vestibule between the urethral and vaginal openings.
Crura |
Corpora cavernosa |
Glans clitoris |
- Most of it is hidden by labia minora
- Arises from the body of pelvis by two crura.
- Near the lower margin of the pubic symphysis the crura turn downwards.
- The corpora carvenosa which together form the body of clitoris.
- Are enclosed by the densely fibrous envelope and are separated from each other by an incomplete septum.
- Glans of the clitoris is the small rounded elevation on the free end of the body.
- Also consists of erectile tissue and is highly sensitive.
- Suspensory ligament of the clitoris connects it to the front of the pubic symphysis.
Bulb of vestibule |
Clitoris |
Greater vestibular glands |
- Paired elongated masses of erectile tissue which lie at the sides of the vaginal openings under cover of bulbospongiosus muscle.
- Broad behind but very narrow infront
- Unite with each other anteriorly to form a thin strand which passes along the lower surface of the body of the clitoris to the glans
- Consists mainly of erectile tissue
- Capable of enlargement as a result of engorgement with blood
- Not traversed by urethra
- Located behind the anterior commissure of the labia majora
- Two small rounded / ovoid bodies located immediately behind the bulb of the vestibule.
- Duct of each gland opens into the groove between the labium minus and attached margins of the hymen.
- Greater vestibular glands are homologous with the bulbo-urethral glands of the male.
- Compressed during coitus and secrete mucus, which lubricates the lower end of the vagina.