Heart Chambers |
Right Atrium |
- Presents at its apex a small conical auricular appendage
- Receives the superior and inferior vena
- The sulcus terminalis
extends between the two veins.
The interior of the right atrium shows several distinctive
- The posterior part is smooth walled (sinus venarum).
- The anterior part is
rough with fine muscular ridges called musculi
pectinati .
- Between these two parts is a definite ridge called
the crista terminalis.
- It receives the following:
IVC open into the smooth part.
coronary sinus.
- The septal wall is oblique, has depression
called fossa ovalis.
- The
edge is known
as limbus fossae ovalis .
- The posterior (non-coronary) aortic sinus abuts the
upper part of the interactrial septum, and creates a bulge called
torus aorticus.
Right Ventricle |
Several of the internal features of the right ventricle
are important.
- Between the tricuspic and pulmonary valves, the wall
presents a thick muscular ridge called the supra
ventricular crest.
- Below the crest, the wall is marked by massive irregular
muscular ridges called trabeculae carneae.
Three types of trabeculae are described:
- Ridges on the ventricular wall
- Those with free central parts, like bucket handles.
One of these “ bucket
handles ” trabeculae is particularly large and is known as
the septomarginal trabecular or the
moderator band . It extends from the
septal wall to the base of the anterior papillary muscle, and contains
part of the conducting system of the right bundle branch.
- Papillary muscles. These form comical projections
from the ventricular and septal walls. Chordae tendineae attach
to their sides and apices, and fan towards the tricuspid valve leaves.
- The outflow tract of the right ventricle, above
the supra ventricular crest, is smooth-walled and is called the infundibulum
or conus arteriosus.
Left Atrium |
The walls of the left atrium are thicker than those
of the right atrium. It has a small auricular appendage, which covers the
origin of the left coronary artery and abuts the left side of the pulmonary
trunk. The Interior has few features of note:
- Musculi pectinate are limited to the auricular appendage.
The rest of the cavity is smooth walled, reflecting a development
from the foetal pulmonary veins.
- A depression can often be found on the interactrial
wall corresponding to the site of ostium secundum of the fetal heart.
- The inflow channels are four pulmonary veins, two
on each side, but the two veins on the left may enter the cacity by
a single opening.
The Left Ventricle
Wall thickness
8-12 mm
Interventricular septum bulges to the right
Internal features:
- The wall is ridged by trabeculae carneae
- Close to the aortic orifice, there is a round area
of interventricular septum which is membranous in nature. Its fibres
are continuous with the fibious supports for the cusps of the aortic
- Two papillary muscles in the left
ventricle, an anterior and a posterior muscle.
- The types of chordae found in the left ventricle
present similar features to those of the right chamber.
Two rough zone chordae, however, are particularly thick
in the left ventricle, and are called strut chordae.
They arise from the tips of the anterior and posterior papillary muscles,
and insert into the anterior leaflet of mitral valve. |